MIZEN TIDE CLOCK depicts a rescue at sea every 15 minutes. A Yacht is sailing past the Fastnet
Rock Lighthouse when a member of crew is injured. The skipper makes a May Day call on his radio
asking for help. The RNLI Lifeboat from Baltimore launches to come to their assistance, but they
need more help and call the Rescue Helicopter from Shannon to assist. The winch man takes the
injured crew member up into the helicopter and flies to the hospital in Cork.
The Tide Clock at the base is connected to the Clock at the top. It indicates High and Low, Falling
and Rising Tides.
Constructed by Stokes Clocks, McCurtain Street, Cork.
Sally Stokes: Design and drawings
Paul Stokes: Electronics and IT
Sean O'Leary: Art work
Philip Stokes: Management and Construction
The ecology of the shore from low to high tide is very complex. Here in the mural you can see
the variety of sea and plant life that thrives in these specialised habitats.
Designed, researched and painted by Jules Thomas
In the Mizen Tide Clock the call from the yacht is just ‘May Day’ (because of time restrictions), but in
reality this is what might happen when a boat gets into difficulties at sea.
Weather Forecast All ships, all ships, all ships – This is Mizen Coastguard Radio, Mizen
Coastguard Radio, Mizen Coastguard Radio. An area of High Pressure over the South Coast of
Ireland will give mainly fine weather for the next 24 hours. Mizen Coastguard Radio listening on
Channels 4 and 16. Over
Hi, Sean – I’m in the boat in Baltimore harbour. I’ve just listened to the forecast and it looks like it’s
going to be a good day – there’s a nice breeze for a sail to Mizen – will you come?
Hello, Pat – Yes, I’d love to! Give me ten minutes and I’ll be aboard.
Just as the yacht is sailing beyond the Fastnet Rock Lighthouse
Sean: The tide’s just turned and it’s freshening. The wind’s getting up; I think we had better turn
back – I don’t like the look of that sea. Let’s check the forecast.
Weather forecast Security, Security, Security, All ships, All ships, All ships. This is Mizen
Coastguard Radio. Gale warning for Lundy, Fastnet and Irish Sea . An area of Low Pressure in the
mid Atlantic is moving rapidly eastwards towards the South west of Ireland. Winds Southwest to
West Gale Force 7 - 8 gusting severe Force 9 at times. This is Mizen Coastguard Radio listening on
Channels 4 and16.
Pat: Sean, did you hear that? We’d better go about and head back to Baltimore. Mind your head
with the boom.
But the boom comes over quickly and Sean gets a knock on the head.
Pat: What’s happened? Are you OK? Sean, Sean!
(No response)
Pat: Mizen Coastguard Radio, Mizen Coastguard Radio, Mizen Coastguard Radio. This is Yacht
Colleen, Yacht Colleen, Yacht Colleen calling on Channel 16. Over
Mizen Coastguard: Yacht Colleen, this is Mizen Coastguard receiving you loud and clear on 16.
Pat: Mizen Coastguard – this is Yacht Colleen I have an injured man on board needing immediate
medical attention. He’s unconscious after being struck by the boom. We need urgent assistance.
Mizen Coastguard: Yacht Colleen, this is Mizen Coastguard. You have an injured man on board
and you require immediate assistance – please give your position. Over
Pat: Mizen Coastguard, this is yacht Colleen. My position is 51’25” N 09’ 45”W Over
Mizen Coastguard Radio: Yacht Colleen, this is Mizen Coastguard. I will task Baltimore Lifeboat
and Rescue Helicopter 115 from Shannon for you. Over
Baltimore Lifeboat: Yacht Colleen, this Baltimore Lifeboat. We’re on scene and will be alongside
you shortly. Have casualty ready for transfer. Due to the seriousness of the injury we will await
Rescue Helicopter 115. Over
Baltimore Lifeboat: Baltimore Lifeboat calling Helicopter 115. We have injured man aboard and
ready for lifting. Over
Helicopter 115: Helicopter 115 calling Baltimore Lifeboat. We are lowering man to lift casualty. Over
Winch man lowered and taken up again supporting the injured man.
Helicopter: Helicopter 115 calling Mizen Coastguard. We have casualty on board and are in transit
to Cork Hospital. Over and Out
Baltimore Lifeboat: Baltimore Lifeboat calling Mizen Coastguard. We are returning to base with
Yacht Colleen in tow. Over and Out.
Please support RNLI Lifeboats! www.baltimorelifeboat.ie
Tides and Currents
Reader’s Digest Atlas of the World, A World Of Wonders, Toucan Books Ltd., London, 1989
Related websites: http://www.tideclocks.com/science.asp
Tidal Ecology Mural
Reader’s Digest Field Guide to the Water Life of Britain, 1984
Complete Irish Wildlife, Paul Sterry, Harper Collins, 2004
Ireland’s Marine Life, Eds. Matt Murphy & Susan Murphy, Sherkin Island Marine Station Publications,
Mizen Hall opened in summer 2008.
The room is dedicated to Phil and Sherry O'Donovan with gratitude
Mizen Tide Clock. This is an electronic clock with a story created by Philip & Paul Stokes and their mother, Sally. They spent much of their childhood in Crookhaven, but now live in Kinsale and Cork. It shows a Rescue at Sea. A yacht sailing from Baltimore past the Fastnet Lighthouse needs assistance when a crewman on board sustains an injury. The captain radios a May Day distress call. Baltimore Lifeboat comes to the rescue calling the air sea rescue helicopter for help. The Lifeboat crew administer care and prepare the injured man for the helicopter crew to airlift him to Cork University Hospital.
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